2023: Only God Can Decide The Fate Of Nigeria – Sultan Says Election Won’t Break The Country

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Naijanews Dec. 6, 2022 4:26 p.m.

2023: Only God Can Decide The Fate Of Nigeria – Sultan Says Election Won’t Break The Country

However, the sultan submitted that he didn’t believe the 2023 polls as speculated by most Nigerians would be a make-or-break election for Nigeria, noting that“I don’t believe in that, I refuse to believe in that.

“Let us have the fear of Allah in whatever we do and have this Nigerian project at heart so that we counsel our followers, we the traditional and religious leaders will counsel our followers so that we do what we believe is best for all of us as one big family with different background.” The sultan admonished politicians and electorates to campaign peacefully and elect the leader they think is best for Nigeria and the rest would be left to Almighty Allah..

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