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Wednesday, March 12
Data from Cancer Research UK shows that head and neck cancer rates have surged by over a third since the early 90s, with women aged 25 to 49 experiencing a 60 per cent increase from 1993 to 2019, and men seeing a 34 per cent rise.
The Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) and the University of Sheffield analysed data, noting that head and neck cancer diagnoses in England rose from 10,735 cases in 2019 to 12,400 cases by 2021.
Oropharyngeal cancer, which affects the throat, tonsils, and back of the tongue, is a major contributor to the rising numbers, with cases up by 47 per cent since 2013.
HPV, often transmitted through oral sex, is responsible for around 70 per cent of throat cancer cases..
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