World Press Freedom Day / In Ivory Coast, journalists are still waiting for strong solutions in the face of precariousness

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Connectionivoirienne May 5, 2022 4:38 p.m.

World Press Freedom Day / In Ivory Coast, journalists are still waiting for strong solutions in the face of precariousness

The president of Unjci, the largest umbrella organization for journalists, professional media organizations, the Cndh, the state body for the defense of human rights, the United States ambassador to Côte d'Ivoire, the ministry, etc.

All gave nice speeches.

Then Jean Martial Adou, it is about him, to defend on behalf of his boss, the ordinance deemed repressive by the Opm.

A government decision with serious consequences: closure of companies, layoffs, filing for bankruptcy, unpaid wages, death without assistance of journalists...

Faced with this dismal picture, the audience expected at least one reassuring announcement from the representative of the Minister of Communication.

If the Opm spokesperson is satisfied with the amending ordinance of the 2017 law on the legal regime of the press in that it challenges those who interfere in our environment (bloggers, social network activists), she will mark her disapproval profound as to the repressive nature of the new law enacted by ordinance.

Instead, he dwelled on generalities, trying to dissect the celebration's theme of "journalism in the digital grip".

It is enough that in times of peace, no journalist is imprisoned, that the impoverished newspapers sing chants for the regime in place for us to conclude that everything works..

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