How long does it take a man to know he wants to marry you?

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Pulse-gh April 29, 2022 11:07 a.m.

How long does it take a man to know he wants to marry you?

In some cases, a couple may have met at an inopportune time to marry because of age, school, finances, or other obstacles, so they put off marriage until a better time – even if the man has already concluded he wants to marry his partner eventually.

No relationship is perfect and most couples will always have a problem or two as boyfriends and girlfriends but if a man accepts everything with peacefulness in his heart, you’ll know that he’s sure about marrying you.

In yet other cases, someone may put off proposing because he has fears about things not working out, as a result of either active relationship conflict, disappointment in his own past relationships, or as a result of watching other people’s relationships ending.

No more of those lingering “what if she’s not yet the one” and “we make a good team, but I’m not sure if this will last forever.” Everything—career, circumstances, feelings—falls into place.

But it's no news that people especially women pop the question of how long it takes a man to know he wants to marry you..

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