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Friday, March 14
Before people’s possessions make you feel useless in life, remember those possessions end at the grave.
Work hard to earn the material things of this life but your hard work should not make life hard for others because everything is useless beyond the grave.
When we chase after the things of life, we need to be guided by the fact that everything in this life will end at the grave.
When we are convinced that the finishing line of life’s race is the grave, we treat others with a lot more care and respect.
Don’t scheme to rob people for what has no use beyond this life.
The titles we step on other people’s toes to get will be of no use beyond the grave.
Material things are called worldly because they can’t be used beyond this life.
Life has become a food chain because many are preying on others to accrue what only ends at the grave.
Here was a man whose mother’s funeral was a week-long celebration with various delicacies served to thousands of mourners each day.
We create social classes according to how fat people’s bank accounts are.
No matter how big your mansion is, your grave will go down six feet like everyone else’s.
Life should be lived with our destination ― the grave ― in mind.
In life, we classify people according how much material possessions they have.
Our many possessions can’t be with us in our grave.
The grave teaches us how much we need only little in this life.
Never let it be the reason you will take another’s life.
While some rob others of their little, others cheat some to amass wealth they don’t even need.
Indeed, all there is to life ends at the grave.
This was a man who had imported a gold-plated coffin for his mother’s corpse to rest in.
All the assets life will bless us with can only be used in this life.
We live life better when we appreciate the grave.
The lot that we break our backs to gather will be enjoyed by others because our graves can’t accommodate anything earthly.
When the richest man in my hometown died, people looked forward to a lot of things..
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