US election: the young have their say

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Visionguinee Nov. 3, 2020 10:23 p.m.

US election: the young have their say

The youth vote could weigh in the balance.

For the election of November 3, they are 24 million American voters born in 1997, considered the Generation Z, who are called to go to the polls on Tuesday, 3 November, for the first time in their total vie.

Au , 88 million American voters are young people of generation Y, born between 1981 and 1996, and generation Z, which have emerged since 1997.

TikTok served as a means to guide the US throughout the registration process électeurs.

Des students, concerned about the election, have also been making videos on the social network TikTok on how to update voter as well as tutorials on how to properly fill Bulletin vote.

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