Do workers in the Ivory Coast deserve to celebrate Labor Day?

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Connectionivoirienne May 4, 2022 7:50 a.m.

Do workers in the Ivory Coast deserve to celebrate Labor Day?

1- Work according to Larousse: According to the Larousse dictionary, work is the activity of man applied to production, creation...

It is a set of operations specific to a particular field of activities.

This concern concerns the relationship between the concept of work and the Ivorian or even the attitude of the Ivorian towards work that I would like to share with you today.

In short, to come to the behavior of Ivorians in the face of work, I made the bitter observation that it is preferable to entrust your construction site in construction, on farms, transport, everywhere to non-Ivorians living in the country rather than to Ivorians.

The Ivorian wants the money, just the money and quickly and he doesn't care how.

You call the police or the gendarmerie, they will tell you that they have no fuel and that the police or the gendarmes must be motivated.

In other words, it is the set of human activities organized and coordinated in order to produce what is useful; productive activity of a person.

Why do our presidents grant themselves large budgets of sovereignty in addition to the extraordinary powers they have and other financial advantages, wonder my African friends? If he works, he does it with the idea of ​​defrauding, stealing from the employer, circumventing regulations.

First of all, I must specify that there is still a significant percentage of Ivorians who are honest, incorruptible, dedicated to work, and very responsible.

I believe that we Ivorians have understood nothing of these definitions of work, I will explain myself in the following lines.

The buildings that are collapsing here and there is not a coincidence, it is the fruit of poorly done, sloppy work, not inspected by qualified and competent people.

Maybe they don't have the proper means to do their job properly or are simply complicit, I don't know.

In the past, we had attended worker parades, exchanges of speeches with the authorities, particularly on grievances relating to the improvement of their working conditions, wage increases, etc.

Firmness is needed in the application of the laws.

In Côte d'Ivoire there are services for good governance, the fight against corruption, and a state inspectorate to fight against corruption and other misappropriation of public property, but which do nothing in this direction in my opinion.

In Ivory Coast you can do whatever you want to do provided you take out money here and there, regulations and laws, who cares.

We must all pray to God at all levels to deliver us from this mentality of theft, cheating, laziness, corruption etc because it does not help us in our quest for sustainable socio-economic development, in our quest individual and collective well-being unless our objectives on this earth are elsewhere.

It's the money, nothing but the money, that interests them, no matter how.

You don't have the money, come back another day with the money.

This means that you have to give them money before they help you.

A Ghanaian pastor once said in the church here in the USA that he is motivated by money.

It is in Côte d'Ivoire that we can see the most embezzlement of billions here and there without putting the perpetrators under arrest.

The Ivorian bypasses work and wants the money from work.

B- The Ivorian and work As a general rule, the Ivorian perceives work like everyone else.

The work can be manual, intellectual or a regular and remunerated professional activity: this is why it is said that man lives from his work.

Without work there is no life and man lives on the fruits of labor.

But what is work and how is work practiced in Côte d'Ivoire? The ordinary little citizen pockets your money and does not do your job or he overcharges you to have more money than you have concluded in addition to his pay which he receives regularly.

Côte d'Ivoire, like other countries around the world, has just celebrated Labor Day on May 1st.

Economically, work is the paid activity that allows the production of goods and services.

All work is governed by a deontology, the ethics that must be respected.

Our reward is the honor and satisfaction of a job well done.

In an attempt to provide some answers, I will define what work is.

But work can also be synonymous with health because it keeps us away from boredom, vice, and need.

Morality and work ethics do not exist in Africa.

Why, because they themselves cannot work, they prefer to sell the land and play cards, marbles, and ludo in the villages while those who have come from elsewhere work and market the fruit of their labor.

In a word, we will not stop writing theses or books because the subject is so vast and concerns all segments of Ivorian society.

Moreover, this money they collect is not paid into the treasury but into their personal pockets.

He knows full well that you have to work before you get paid.

That's it, there's nothing to do.

But we do not forget that we import vegetables, beef, eggs, chickens, guinea fowl, and others from neighboring countries and even from Europe.

Here too the government has its share of responsibility because it encourages imports too much to the detriment of local or national producers.

In the first chapter, we first see God at work to create the earth (Genesis 1:1-15).

It is mainly provided by employees in exchange for a salary and contributes to economic activity.

No, I don't need to lay out evidence by citing names here.

In Côte d'Ivoire and in Africa in general, morality and ethics have run amok.

I invite President Ouattara to once again become the Prime Minister of Houphouët whom we knew and admired in the 1990s.

But, here I am attacking all those who will find themselves in this article and whom I invite to a reconversion of mentalities.

Along with capital, it is a factor of production in the economy..

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