An unfortunate candidate to the angry presidential elevation against the UFDG and his calls to demonstrate: '' You have to stop ''

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Visionguinee Nov. 3, 2020 4:16 p.m.

An unfortunate candidate to the angry presidential elevation against the UFDG and his calls to demonstrate: '' You have to stop ''

The President of the Renaissance and Development (RRD) asserts that his political formation is in no way concerned by the appeal to demonstrate by the Union of Democratic Forces of Guinea (UFDG) and the National Alliance for the Alternation and Democracy (ANAD) to demand respect for the truth of the polls.

Abdoulaye Kourouma, credited by 0.

47% of the votes validly expressed according to the provisional results proclaimed by the CENI, says the RRD prefers dialogue on the street.

We are supporters of peace, dialogue and tranquility.

You have to change the strategy and go to the turn of the negotiating table.

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