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Wednesday, March 12

They have a significant diaspora abroad and are considered the tallest people on the African continent, alongside theTutsi people of Rwanda.

ALSO READ:Ranked: The countries with the tallest people in the world ALSO READ:Here's the tallest building in Nigeria What's the secret of their tall, slender physique? The Dinka tribes in South Sudan are the tallest people in the world, with males standing over 7 feet tall.

The Dinka people primarily engage in traditional pastoralism and agriculture, depending on the care of cattle for milk and as a source of cultural pride.

A 1976 study found an average height of 182.6 cm (5 ft 11.9 in) in a sample of 52 Dinka Agaar and 181.3 cm in 227 Dinka Ruweng measured in 1953–1954..

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