‘Why Africa needs its own energy transition roadmap’

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Guardianng June 23, 2021 2:53 a.m.

‘Why Africa needs its own energy transition roadmap’

Along with cleaner fuels, we also need to look at what can be done in the near term to reduce carbon emissions.” Kragha, who noted that expansion of cooking gas penetration across the continent remained a move that must be sustained, said the continent must have a conversation on “not just what the energy sources will be but the infrastructure that is going to be required to actually put in place a sustainable energy transition.” He said such conversations and other cogent issues could be addressed in a road map to provide the continent with feasible short and long-term outlooks.

While most countries in Africa still have huge hydrocarbon deposit, the stakeholders, who gathered at a virtual conference “Argus Global Gasoline Live’ to discuss the importance of African gasoline market, stressed that making hydrocarbon cleaner, securing sustainable finance to build interconnected infrastructure that would make product supply seamless, adopting harmonized fuel specification, as well as ensuring import of less polluting vehicles are primary steps for Africa.

Kragha said ARDA and the African Union are already looking at the roadmap, adding that securing the needed investments to increase refining capacity in the continent, expanding pipelines and other storage and distribution infrastructure that links the continent together are critical options that must be considered..

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