The MEP Dr. Pierrette Herzberger-Fofana welcomes Biden and Kamala Harris

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Visionguinee Nov. 12, 2020 1:39 p.m.

The MEP Dr. Pierrette Herzberger-Fofana welcomes Biden and Kamala Harris

Sincere congratulations to President elect of the United States, Joe Biden, and his Vice President, Kamala Harris.

Avec his next appointment as Vice President, Kamala Harris, an Indian mother of African-American and a Jamaican father , enters the histoire.

Elle embodies a dream for millions of women, since it is the first woman in America to be elected to such a position of leadership, one to hold the reins of Etat.

En as Black woman, his election victory encourages everyone to continue to believe in the "American dream", especially for women to cultural non blanche.

Après four years of continuous disillusionment origin emanating from the White House, Kamala Harris revived the hope that social promotion is possible.

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