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Wednesday, March 12

ALSO READ:Here's the country with the most worthless currency in the world In case you are wondering how much private all billionaires and millionaires own, the UBS "Global Wealth Report 2023" also reports that total net private wealth stood at $454.4 trillion at the end of 2022.

Let’s get into it: As of November 28, 2022, the global M1 supply - basically all of the money in circulation, like banknotes and coins, as well as traveller's checks and demand deposits like checking and savings accounts—was $48.9 trillion.

GDP measures the total value of all goods and services produced in a country, but it doesn't tell us about the overall wealth or money supply.

While you may think calculating billionaires' net worth may lead you to the total amount of money in the world right now, you will be wrong.

The overall value of the stock market, cryptocurrencies, and M2 money supply is $194.88 trillion..

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