Tierno Monénembo doubts Alpha Condé's victory in 2010: "In our countries, it is often France that votes"

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Visionguinee Jan. 29, 2022 2:16 p.m.

Tierno Monénembo doubts Alpha Condé's victory in 2010: "In our countries, it is often France that votes"

He is a gentleman who understood nothing about history, his people, his time when we hoped he was a democrat, ”said the author of the novel Saharienne indigo.

The Guinean writer hopes that the former president, currently on a medical stay in Abu Dhabi, is “well treated and that he receives all the care he needs.

He recalls that Alpha Condé “was not kind to his opponents, who were banned from traveling or having access to proper care in health establishments worthy of the name.

For me, he was elected because he was the childhood friend of a French minister [Bernard Kouchner].

“Even if you become blind, you will not leave Guinea,” he told Dr.

Oussou Fofana of the UFDG who suffers from an advanced visual impairment..

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