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Thursday, March 13

While the government has just given a deadline from the end of next February, several fathers and mothers of families are jostling in banks, town halls and the police to regain possession of this document required for the payroll of next March.

There are our colleagues who have left in other localities, we are here, you can do two or three days, you do not even have access to the room yet for the payment of the money", deplores Camara Mory, a another professor from Kérema college "We are in the digital age, so we would like the government in partnership with the bank to be able to at least create an application like the other banks do, to be able to allow people to register on site.

These teachers in a classroom situation, point to the choice of a single bank for the payment into the account of the entire administrative region of Nzérékoré.

Launched a few months ago in the country, the obtaining of biometric identities has become a real titan battle for civil servants in recent days When I take Guéckédou forest to Yomou if everyone has to rally here Orabank only for Biometric id card when people go to work ? We did two or three days here, the lessons are not given, all the teachers are almost at the town hall.

Me, I left Macenta, I came down to Afriland, I asked, I was told that they are not concerned, it's only Orabank.

These teachers fear that this situation will have an impact on the study of children in the classroom.

“We lost 3 days at the bank before coming to the town hall.

Because currently, the public service is paralyzed with all this shortfall that is collapsing on the national economy, "insists Lamah Moussa, teacher in Guéckédou.

I came this morning and found that there is a list here since yesterday.

Or we go to class when the time comes, if you don't have your biometric ID card, you won't get your salary.

But if it continues like this, classes will be disrupted until the end of 2022", fears Jean Koné, English teachers at Galakpaye college in the sub-prefecture of Yanlezou.

And since Friday, we have been in the town hall but we don't even have access to the room yet," said Zagaymou Foromo, a teacher in Beyla.

This teacher asks the state to decentralize this procedure to avoid paralyzing public service in the country..

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