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Wednesday, March 12

ALSO READ:5 foods we love to eat but can be poisonous Milk is not a cure for food poisoning, as it can irritate the stomach lining, make it difficult to digest dairy, and promote bacterial growth, which can worsen symptoms like vomiting and diarrhoea.

ALSO READ:5 poisonous plants growing in bushes around that can kill instantly Palm oil is often used to induce vomiting after eating or drinking poison, but this method can worsen the situation.

While hospitals may use activated charcoal in certain poisoning cases, this is very different from regular cooking charcoal.

ALSO READ:How to identify, prevent, and treat food poisoning Another common myth is the use of household charcoal as a remedy for poisoning.

Many people believe that taking palm oil, milk, or charcoal can neutralise poison.

Vomiting is only effective within an hour of poisoning and can be dangerous in cases involving petroleum-based substances like gasoline or kerosene, as it can cause severe breathing problems..

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