Weather Report



Friday, March 14

The primary objective of the fund is to maximize short term income as well as long-term sustainable income and capital appreciation of its assets, through investing in a portfolio of fixed income securities including government treasury bills and notes, fixed deposits and other corporate debt securities.

The primary objective of the Fund is to maximize short term income while preserving capital through investing in a portfolio of money market securities including treasury bills, fixed deposits and certificate of deposits and debt securities with maturity not exceeding 13 months.

SCT had about 86% in Government and Quasi- Government securities and 8% of assets in other money market instruments as at the end of 2020.” She added: “The full-year return for 2020 was 16.85%, 265 basis points above the benchmark return of 14.20%.

Bonds made up 67% of the Fund’s assets, with 27% invested in money market instruments and 6% in cash and near cash securities as at the end of 2020,” Mr.

Allotey said.

Net investment income for the year increased by 25% to GHS51m from GHS38m in 2019.” SIMS Ghana Limited is a multi-specialist asset manager that connects retail and institutional clients with multiple investment opportunities across asset classes and markets.

The fund’s performance is attributed to comparatively higher rates in corporate bonds and the tactical allocations into medium term tenors,” he added..

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