Weather Report

Thursday, March 13
CONAKRY- It is a father concerned about the arrest of his son since November 19 who confided in a journalist from our editorial staff.
On November 28, a group of lawyers sounded the alarm, indicating that this young blogger had been kidnapped by unidentified men in uniform and taken to Conakry.
So, after a week of his arrival in Koundara, I was called to inform me that he had been arrested by armed men.
Those who informed me told me that it was on his way back from his field that he was stopped by armed people who asked him to follow them.
At the end of the line, the individual demanded two (2) million Guinean francs from my daughter-in-law, so that he would give the phone to her husband.
I also asked the president of the transition, Colonel Mamadi Doumbouya, to intervene so that my son was handed over to me.
He is sounding the alarm, because according to him, for eleven days, he has not heard from his son.
Mamadou Mouctar Diallo, father of Mamadou Bailo Diallo, a young blogger known as "Guidho Fulbhe" (see photo), explains in this interview how his son was arrested by, he says, soldiers in Koundara where he had gone to see the state of his agricultural fields.
The call didn't take long..
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