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Wednesday, March 12

When two people who are in love with each other enter into a relationship, exchange of gifts is one of the ways through which they can express the affection they feel for each other.

It's very easy to get comfortable in a relationship and forget the little gestures that go a long way in making it a successful one over an extended period of time.

If it is used between partners with conflicting love languages, how can the situation be managed so that both parties can reach a middle ground? Some of the things you can do if your partner gifts you cash include: It costs nothing to say a 'thank you'.

And if your partner—who is caring and considerate in so many other ways—gifts you cash, don't take it as an indictment of your relationship.

But if you don't tell them that you value other things just as much or perhaps even more than the cash they gift you, they will never think they need to adjust.

However, in a situation where money is used as a way to appreciate and show affection to a significant other, there are some considerations to be made.

People tend to spend money on whom they love and/or respect..

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