Operation of games by LONAGUI: one year after the Director Aminata Sylla, haloed a glowing review

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Mosaiqueguinee Aug. 6, 2020 10:27 a.m.

There is one year, it was August 5, 2020, the new management team of LONAGUI so rickety, named only four months before, beyond regulation, was confronted with the no less complicated exercise operation of betting mutuel.Le seemed perilous path.

No one was betting on the success of this venture, because it was to sound the end of the collaboration with winya, a company for ten years, had his hands low on the operation of the pari-mutuel urbain.C'était without relying on the courage, determination and selflessness of the new Director, Aminata Sylla who has vowed to meet that which stood on....

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